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My 60 Pound Weight Loss Journey

So you've probably clicked on this link thinking this will be a quick guide on how YOU could lose 60 pounds, well let me start off by saying that this i not that post. This post is all about me and how I have lost 60 pounds through a lifestyle change. I am not here to sell you anything, or tell you how you should live your life, I am just telling you my story and what I found that worked for me!

Before we get into the nitty gritty of everything I should tell you a little back story about myself. I was raised as a normal kid, I ate McDonalds, pizza, sweets, etc., but I also had "healthy" chicken dinners with lots of veggies and rice, I was a normal sized kid, not very active. I was not overweight at all as a child, it wasn't until I hit puberty and got my period that I ballooned out! Now comes the embarrassing part.. I bet if I told you I was 200 pounds when I was in grade 6, you probably would think I would be lying, unfortunately, I am not. And for those of you who aren't sure what age grade 6 kids are.. I would have been 12 years old. Now, I was a meat-eater growing up, as most of us were, and I feel like the hormones and steroids in the factory farmed meat and dairy had a lot to do with my obese-ness at such a young age, but I won't ever truly know and that's okay because I am healthy now.

But before we get to the good part you need to understand my mind set throughout wanting to lose weight in my teen years. When I started highschool I thought I needed to lose weight so I needed to be "healthier" (which I thought was eggs, salad, chicken, vegetables, no carbs, a lot of exercise and cutting calories). This actually worked though and I lost about 40 pounds, but I only kept it off for about 2 years, I met my boyfriend (who is my fiance now) and I went on birth control (for many reasons) and I gained all that weight back plus an extra 15 pounds along the way within 3 years. My anxiety and depression got really bad after highschool and I pretty much hit an all time low. I got very sick and lost about 15 pounds in 3 days and realized I needed to do something to better my health.

Fast forward about a month after I got sick, my fiance and I looked into a bunch of healthy lifestyle choices and found that veganism would be the best fit for us. We watched 3 documentaries I highly recommend: "Forks Over Knives" (which shows you the health benefits of veganism), "Cowspiracy" (which shows you what factory farming is doing to our environment) and "Why Vegan? - Amazing Presentation by Gary Yourofsky". There is a third documentary I do suggest however I still have yet to bring myself to watch it and it is called "Earthlings", it shows you what happens in the factory farms and where your food truly comes from. After watching those documentaries and talking for a couple days we went vegan overnight and it was the best decision I could have ever made.

My fiance, Mike and I went vegan on May 21st, 2016 and never looked back. Our lives have been drastically changed over these last 9 months and my eyes are the most open they have ever been! This post is not to get you to go vegan, however it is to show you there are things you can do to make a change. I was so overweight and unhappy and now I am like a different person and I owe all of that to veganism.

Okay, now we can talk about the stuff you've been wanting to hear, the actual weight loss! So I will start with my weight and measurements in May 2016, I was 216 pounds, my waist was 35 inches and my hips were 42 inches.

As of today I weigh 155 pounds, my waist is 27 inches and my hips are 37.5 inches.

For the first 8 months of veganism I never went to the gym or did any physical activity really.. I am just starting to go to the gym now, it's been 3 weeks and I am slowly starting to lose the rest of the weight! If you guys are interested at all about what kinds of things I ate while I was losing all that weight, go check out my other blog titled, "What I Ate To Lose 60 Pounds".

Please leave a comment down below, I would love to hear your story!


I am a 21 year old from a small town. I dream to be an entrepreneur and I am doing everything I can along the way to achieve that goal. I am vegan and have recently lost 60 pounds from veganism! Check out my "About Me" page for my story. I am so excited to be sharing this journey with you all. You can find recipes "here" and I will be introducing fitness tips soon! I love photography so all photos used on my site are my own (unless otherwise noted). I love to hear other success stories so please email me to chat, and don't forget to follow me on social media!
Thank you <3


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