Best 10 Exercises to Build Your Booty

Sometimes when you get to the gym you know you want to work legs but don’t know how to put a workout plan together! Check out my blog "How to Make Your Own Workout Plan". Then Come on back here and pick some of these workouts for an awesome lookin’ booty!
Always aim for body weight, but if you want an extra challenge and to build your muscles faster, add weights! There are so many different workouts and variations, I have tried to break them down for you the best I could.
It is always important to make sure you are eating enough protein to build your muscles! Your booty has muscles too, and in order for them to grow you need to give them the nutrients they deserve.
Here are my top 10 exercises for building your booty:
Hip Raises

Start by laying on your back with your knees bent and feet shoulder width apart. Slowly lift your butt and torso off the ground until you feel a pull in your hamstrings, squeeze your glutes and quads and bring your body back down, make sure not to go all the way back down so you keep resistance on your muscles
Variations Marching

Lift each leg as you come up, almost as if you are walking with each thrust
Single Leg

Lift one leg up in the air and keep it straight with each thrust
Swiss Ball
Lift your upper body onto a yoga ball, this will give you a wider range of motion and you can pause at the top with each thrust
For an added challenge, use a plate, a barbell, resistance band, or a dumbbell

Stand with feet shoulder width apart with a slight bend in your knee. Hinge your hips back like you are going to see in a chair, while keeping a flat back (don’t let your knees go over your toes). Once in a seated position, pause for a moment, begin to push up with your legs straightening your legs and squeezing your glutes at the end. You should feel these movements in your quads, hamstrings and glutes, depending on which variation you do
Goblet Squats

Place one weight in front of you between your legs, stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart, using a squatting motion pick the weight up with a straight back, bring the weight up squeezing your glutes at the end
Sumo Squats

Using a very wide stance with toes pointing out, this is the same idea as a goblet squat
For an added challenge, try using a barbell or dumbbells.

Stand with feet slightly closer than shoulder width apart, holding a barbell just below your hips. Slowly bend forward, lowering the bar as close to your body as possible while hinging your hips backward until your knees are slightly bent and you feel a pull in your hamstrings. Make sure you have a flat back, pause for a moment and then bring the bar back up, thrusting your hips slightly forward at the end, and always using your legs to lift yourself back up
Variations Stiff Leg

Using a dead lift motion, but have legs close together
Wide Leg

Using a dead lift motion, but have legs a little wider than shoulder width apart

Using a wide stance, have one hand over the bar and one hand under the bar and almost use a squat motion

Standing with your feet slightly apart, step forward or backward (depending on the variation) with one foot, bending both knees and not letting your knee go over your toe. Push off with your front foot and come back into a standing position. You should feel this everywhere, depending on which variation you choose
Walking Lunges
Lunge forward, pulling yourself up with your front foot and walking forward, lunging with each step
Forward/ Backward
Always use your front foot as a leading foot
For an added challenge, add weights such as dumbbells, plates, or barbells.
Leg Extensions

Get on all fours, extend one leg behind you, a little off to the side. Lift your leg straight up and squeeze your glutes at the top, keep a tight core
For an added challenge, add an ankle weight.
Dumbbell/Kettlebell Swing

Using a squat motion, hold a dumbbell or kettlebell with both hands between your legs. Swing upwards and extend arms in front of you, ending just above eye level. Squeeze glutes at the top and come back down, resisting the weight
For an added challenge, try using use arm at a time.
Donkey Kicks

Get on all fours, lift your leg behind you with a bent knee, pretend you are pushing something up with your foot, squeeze your glute at the top
For an added challenge, place a dumbbell behind your knee or add an ankle weight.
Fire Hydrants

Get on all fours, lift one leg up to the side with a bent knee, as if you were a dog peeing on a fire hydrant, squeeze glute at the top

Get on all fours, extend one leg behind you pointing to the ground, slightly out to the side. Slowly lift your leg up and cross it over your bent leg, squeezing your glutes
For an added challenge, use an ankle weight.
Lying Hip Abductions

Laying on your side with your legs stacked, slowly lift your top leg up (squeezing your hip/side glute area), bring it back down slowly, using resistance
For an added challenge, try using resistance bands around your mid-low calf.
Choose just a few of these exercises and try them with just your body weight and also some smaller weights if you are just starting out, or resistance bands! Aim to do 12-15 reps for low weight, and as many sets as you can. Don’t lift too heavy if you feel uncomfortable with it, start out light until you get used to it. The heavier the weight and the more protein you eat, the faster you will gain booty muscle!
I hope I could help out anyone who is looking to build their booty and aren’t too sure where to start. If you have any questions just head on over to my Contact page and send me a message.
Stay beautiful <3